Monday, August 10, 2009


On Saturday, Lara and I went to see “Rent”. It was an animated performance punctuated by moments of passion and pathos. The play celebrated a group of impoverished young artists whose views on life and society welded them together in friendship as they suffered for their art. Despite their poverty, the warmth of their relationship resonated in my spirit and I was deeply moved when Roger, one of the main characters, became frustrated as he desperately searched for the one hit song. The desire to leave a legacy seems to be part of the human DNA.

Although, I’m no longer engulfed by the desire to have children, Roger’s refrain echoed in my heart. Biological legacies are the most natural and gratifying. Those unable to achieve them have the challenge of finding other ways.

It is tempting to think of grand projects and ignore the casual opportunities life offers to make a difference. A well-chosen word, a well-timed hug, all enrich our lives far beyond what the giver could ever have anticipated. Since moving to WV, the legacy of friendship has blessed my life. As for my legacy, I greet each day as an opportunity and try to love somebody. Hopefully, their load becomes a bit lighter and they feel cared by God.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Technological Transitions-my first blog

"Transitions" was  my first choice of  names  as it described as well as reflect  the story of my life.    Lara ,  God’s gift to me, patiently tried other names, like Grateful” but they were all taken.   I really wanted a  name that expressed something  about me and we were both relieved when “A Graceful Journey” was accepted.   

Sometimes,  second best could be perfect.   When I think of  God’s grace that has clothed my life in  many places and events,  my journey thus far has been indeed full of grace.  The name  now feels right because I am truly grateful for all the blessings I have enjoyed in the many and varied transitions of my life.

I say this with thankfulness even as I move  on from a relationship  that made me grow but could not bring forth fruit.   My sister’s practical support, my mentor’s solid advice,  Lara’s prayers  and the loving messages from friends around the world are  part of God’s grace in action  that has  enabled me  to remain  joyful.  

There are still some weeks of summer left.   I  love the heat, the  lure of the outdoors even when it means that I can go no further  than the distance from parking lot to office. I linger outside and smell the roses. I  make small talk to delay the moment of going in  to  be taunted by the cold  air that aches my bones.    Love  has not made me blind  to the needs of others. For some the heat of summer is unbearable but I wish  that church and  work were  warmer in my favorite season.