Assyria knew how to implement “the scorched earth policy as he picked off Jerusalem’s neighbors one at a time. Why did God give some messages to Isaiah the prophet and not the priest? By the time Isaiah’s prediction came through, the fate of the people was sealed but so was also the doom of the Assyrians. I can imagine how people laughed at Isaiah, the mouthpiece of God who was ignored and criticized. My significance does not rely on the words I speak but on whom I speak for.
I was meditating on this in the doctor’s office, when a lady who attended so. She thanked me .as she explained how much she’d learnt during my Her comments startled as well as cheered me. Memories of other encounters with grateful students quickened my heart and lightened the anxieties of my mind.
Her story gave me a glimpse of immortality for when acts of kindness are lodged in people’s hearts, I have a living memorial. The need to be significant, to actualize our deepest selves is part of being human. One day, I got a glimpse of what Christ 's death meant for me as an individual, He did not just die for sinners. He died for me as an individual. I was significant enough.
Whatever I do or be can make me pleased or frustrated but my true significance lies in how I relate to God.
When I help God’s children to feel valued and loved, when they learn new skills; I do God’s work. When someone, who was crushed by life, finds new meaning and hope, I co-create with God a better future for them. Work then becomes a sacrament. And everyone changed by the process is significant.
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