Saturday, March 9, 2013

Enjoying the day

Another birthday but I do not worry about the passing of the years. Today, I do not want to reflect on what have been, the highs and lows, the friendships gained and lost, past adventures or escapades enjoyed or endured.

 I want to concentrate on this day, this time.  I want to savor the life I have now. This morning I waited for my alarm so I had time to read a whole chapter in Hosea. I absorbed the message that we should learn from the mistakes of others: but realize that millennia ago, the Israelites did not learn and after all this time, human beings have not still not mastered the art of learning from history. It seems that each generation asserts its right to recreate its own mistakes.

This somber reading ended in a quick prayer of thankfulness to God for His blessings and supplication for the sick or bone weary.
Then I grudgingly started my exercise routine because it soothes my joints. As the melodious voice of the handsome young man coaxed me into squatting and stretching, I was grateful to be able to keep up. I was rewarded with  the exhilaration of the cool down exercises that lasted all of today.
To have your day sandwiched by the Birthday chorus because people cared deeply enough to remember makes me really grateful, My face book friends on both sides of the pond brought me real joy because aging is a glorious process when celebrated.
To be thankful each moment because I am   loved and cherished creates a celebration . God has been good indeed.

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