Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Son and sun

Six months have passed since death brought winter to my heart. as I left my footprints in the graveyard snow. I am slowly adjusting to a fatherless life. It is not the same but it was never meant to be. Each day brings enough opportunities to make it unique. Summer has helped. The colorful flowers that garland our mountain sides and fringe our lawns lift my spirit and the sun on my skin makes me glad to be alive. So, I decided to tackle my mail which was unread and unsorted for months. In the middle of this overdue project, news of my brother's collapse brought the shadow of death too close for comfort. The circumstances were similar to my dad's . This time I did not even try to negotiate with God. I did not feel like praying except to have an attitude of acceptance to God's will. Jehovah God is Father and I often think of Him as all powerful and so holy that it is hard not to fear Him. On the other hand, Jesus is my mediator who can plead my cause in divine terms. I often imagine Him translating a human dilemma or emotion in heavenly language so that God can understand and forgive.
It was very supportive to know that others were praying as I did my utmost to contain my anxiety. In spite of the summer sunshine, my heart became cold with fear as I felt stalked by the shadow. Now that my brother is at home, thankfulness has edged the coldness from my heart. In times like these, we find new sign posts on our faith journey. Faith may not always bring an assurance of success but it gives me the certainty that God is love and that He is interested in what I am and do. He does have control of the seasons of my life.

1 comment:

  1. My heart is with you on this journey, dear one. I am so glad for the homecoming--know the healing this can bring. I missed you tonight. On the way to the garage, we had another accident. But we are ok. I'll tell you more tomorrow.

    You have my prayers.
